Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Go Mill Some Grain!

When my wife first brought up the idea of buying grain for the home, I wasn't fully on board.  She had to take me to a friend's house that made bread from scratch.  I thought, okay, plenty of folks make their own bread.

When we got to her friends house and tried her bread, I realized that there is a huge difference between the regular store bought flour and milling grain from scratch.  The bread had depth, character, and actually filled me up. 

The very next thought in my my head was wondering how pizza would taste with whole wheat flour.  I had to try it out.  So the search was on for a mill.  I love simple kitchen solutions, so I went searching for the cadillac of mills, Nutrimill. 

I made this purchase years ago and was surprised to see the drop in price when I looked the same item up (I paid about $400 at the time).  This model has settings for fine and course flour, important for the type of dough you plan on making.  I can easily mill about 6 cups of grain within 10 minutes, definitely enough for the week. 

You may not need as much flour, so be sure to check out other modals of milling depending on your budget.  I just know that this one is a sure bet if you use a large amount of flour during the week.  In a later post, I will detail my homemade pizza recipe.  The kids love it!